(Re) discover Los Angeles, in full artistic effervescence - Tour Guide


Tuesday 22 March 2022

(Re) discover Los Angeles, in full artistic effervescence

Can a legend reinvent itself? Energized by an artistic and architectural renaissance, three districts of Los Angeles – West Hollywood, Downtown and Culver City – are being redesigned, revealing astonishing lines of flight.

In his essay City of Quartz, the writer Mike Davis described it as a sterile cultural land, both utopia and dystopia of capitalism, toy of the financial elites and large families. Thirty years later, director Quentin Tarantino has made her the vintage and highly desirable heroine of his latest opus. Los Angeles is still for many this immense city which, even from the sky, appears infinite. If the cultural offensive does not date from yesterday, the metropolis is nevertheless energized by an artistic effervescence whose echo is propagated in all its districts, starting with that of West Hollywood.

Crossed by the mythical Sunset Boulevard, whose name alone suggests many nights of debauchery exposed in the tabloids, the city (it is an autonomous enclave within the county) continues to charm the movie stars who frequent their bars and favorite restaurants. A link between the legend of yesterday and today, the Sunset Tower hotel is a bastion.